ClouDDy (paid app)

The ClouDDy app is paid. You can view the subscription price on the player’s website. There is a 6-day free trial to let you try out all player functions.

The app can be downloaded from the LG app store.

Adding a playlist with channels

Register for ClouDDy, download the app on your TV, and add a new TV playlist. In playlist settings, you can see a link for an auto-updated playlist and a link for EPG. While on the main page, click the link “Playlist settings'':

Select SmartTV

Then Select LG

And then select the ClouDDy app

In the settings, look for links for the auto-updated playlist and EPG.

Paste both links into the app dashboard:


Click “Save”. 


After you download the app, the channels will be available in Digital Cinema” in the main menu 

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