What are Users needed for?

For a long time,  we worked in a way of 1 client -> 1 subscription. However, we oftentimes had people reaching out to us wanting to connect their relatives or friends. We allowed watching 1 subscription from two devices with a single IP address, which is convenient when viewers are on the same network (apartment, house).


How does it work now?


We still allow watching one subscription from two devices with a single IP address. However, now you have the option to add a subscription for devices on a different network or become a dealer and sell IPTV services to others.


In this process, you gain the ability to set up automatic subscription renewal for each user. For instance, you might not want the subscriptions for users 4 and 5 to renew automatically, but you want the rest to renew as long as there's enough money on the balance.




Apart from the user's name (you can name the user as you wish), you can also specify the approximate model of each device. This helps us provide quicker and more efficient assistance (e.g.Smart TV LG, OTT-Play app). When you contact technical support, our engineers will already know what you're using, eliminating the standard question: "What device are you setting up?". Therefore, it's recommended to keep these parameters up to date.


Each user is assigned a playlist regardless of whether you have a subscription or not. If the subscription is not yet set up or has ended, you'll only have access to demo channels (during this process). This allows you to start configuring your equipment even without making a purchase. Once you're confident you've set everything up, you can proceed to the purchasing process.


Users can be deleted and edited. To do this, hover your mouse cursor over the user's name, and you'll gain access to management elements. A user with an active subscription cannot be deleted, so first, stop the subscription, receive any remaining funds in your balance, and then proceed with deletion.

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