• 00:15 Blood Brothers (Братья по крови), Kriminalinis, Detektyvas, Ukraina, 2020

    Du broliai Maksimas ir Andrejus Kirejevai turi dirbti tame pačiame policijos skyriuje, kad suprastų sudėtingą paslaptingos jų bendro tėvo mirties atvejį. Andrejus yra Kirejevo sūnus iš pirmosios santuokos, patikimas ir patyręs policijos kapitonas, kuris ilgus metus nekentė savo tėvo už tai, kad jis paliko jį ir motiną. Maksimas yra antrasis Kirejevo vaikas, infantilus jaunas vaikinas, kuris įsidarbina savo brolio skyriuje, kad įrodytų, jog nedalyvavo tėvo žmogžudystėje, ir galėtų susipažinti su byla.Nemandagus, įpratęs gauti viską iš karto, Maksimas ir atsakingas, protingas Andrejus pradės tyrimą, kuris atskleis jiems ne tik praeities paslaptis, bet ir netikėtą tiesą - jie turi daug daugiau bendro, nei jie galvoja

  • 01:15 Program break

  • 08:00 Age Difference (Разница в возрасте), Komedija, Melodrama, Ukraina, 2021

    The story will tell about the unusual adventure of two sisters - 26-year-old Margot and 38-year-old Catherine. They have never been close since childhood. In adult life they hardly communicate and know little about each other's lives. However, the unexpected difficulties in Catherine's life, which actually knock the ground out from under the woman's feet, and Margot's uncontrollable desire to win the heart of her beloved husband bring the two sisters together. To realize their plans, the sisters decide to switch places - Margo will pretend to be 38 years old, and Kateryna will become 26 years old. Two women - absolute opposites must radically change their lifestyle, appearance and habits, all in order to be happy and achieve the desired goals

  • 08:30 Age Difference (Разница в возрасте), Komedija, Melodrama, Ukraina, 2021

    The story will tell about the unusual adventure of two sisters - 26-year-old Margot and 38-year-old Catherine. They have never been close since childhood. In adult life they hardly communicate and know little about each other's lives. However, the unexpected difficulties in Catherine's life, which actually knock the ground out from under the woman's feet, and Margot's uncontrollable desire to win the heart of her beloved husband bring the two sisters together. To realize their plans, the sisters decide to switch places - Margo will pretend to be 38 years old, and Kateryna will become 26 years old. Two women - absolute opposites must radically change their lifestyle, appearance and habits, all in order to be happy and achieve the desired goals

  • 09:00 The New Life of Vasylyna Pavlivna (Новая жизнь Василины Павловны), Drama, Ukraina, 2019

    Ukrainian romantic-comedy series. Olga Zhukovtsova-Kiyashko stars as Vasylyna: a small-town teacher whose life gets turned upside-down when she finds herself witnessing a deadly fight - and walks away with 500 thousand euros in cash

  • 09:30 Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

    A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond

  • 09:45 IQ of well being (Sveikatos IQ), Lietuva, 2024

  • 10:15 Here Comes the Grump (Here Comes the Grump), Komedija, Nuotykių, Fantastinis, Animacinis, JAV, Didžioji Britanija, Meksika, 2018

    Animation. In the colorful Kingdom of Groovynham, young Terry has to find the spell that will bring joy back to the people, following evil wizard Grump's curse that vanished laughter and joy

  • 12:00 Business moms (Verslios mamos), Lietuva, 2024

  • 12:30 Romeo and Juliet From Cherkasy (Ромео і Джульєтта з Черкас), Komedija, Ukraina, 2021

  • 13:00 Romeo and Juliet From Cherkasy (Ромео і Джульєтта з Черкас), Komedija, Ukraina, 2021

  • 13:30 Crow and sparrow (Ворон и Воробьев), Komedija, Kriminalinis, Ukraina, 2022

  • 14:30 Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

    A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond

  • 14:45 Office drama (Ofiso dramos), Lietuva, 2024

  • 15:15 Women's doctor: New Life (Zhinochyi Likar: Nove Zhyttia), Ukraina, 2023

  • 16:15 Women's doctor: New Life (Zhinochyi Likar: Nove Zhyttia), Ukraina, 2023

  • 17:15 Chameleon (Хамелеон), Ukraina, 2019

  • 18:15 Undiplomatic conversation (Nediplomatinis pokalbis), Lietuva, 2024

  • 19:15 Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

    A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond

  • 19:30 The New Life of Vasylyna Pavlivna (Новая жизнь Василины Павловны), Drama, Ukraina, 2019

    Ukrainian romantic-comedy series. Olga Zhukovtsova-Kiyashko stars as Vasylyna: a small-town teacher whose life gets turned upside-down when she finds herself witnessing a deadly fight - and walks away with 500 thousand euros in cash

  • 20:00 Love in Chains (Кріпосна), Drama, Melodrama, Ukraina, 2022

    Nobel Katerina Veritskaya is stuck Peter Chervinsky's property, but when she falls in love with Alexy Kosach, she has to leave the chains of Peter. Whist she fights for freedom she faces countless barriers

  • 21:00 Carpathian Ranger (Карпатский рейнджер), Ukraina, 2020

  • 22:00 Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

    A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond

  • 22:15 Light of My Life (Light of My Life), Drama, Mokslinės fantastikos, Trileris, JAV, 2019

    Drama. American drama, produced in 2019. A man tries to protect his daughter from the dangers of the world after a devastating plague wipes out most of the female population

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