• 00:00 PAW Patrol

    S11 E4 Pups Save Helga and the Humsquatch; Pups Save the Missing Bone-Stone Mayor Humdinger looks forward to a special day with his mother, but the Humsquatch accidentally gets in their way. The pups embark on a mission to find the museum's stolen exhibit.

  • 00:30 Peppa Pig

    S5 E32 Father Christmas Peppa and the rest of the playgroup put on a big Christmas show for all the parents. While Danny Dog is dressed up as a Santa, the real Father Christmas pays them a visit.

  • 00:35 Peppa Pig

    S2 E14 Bedtime Before bed, Peppa and George take a bath, brush their teeth and listen to Daddy Pig read them a story. Finally, they're asleep and Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig can relax.

  • 00:45 Peppa Pig

    S4 E2 The New House Peppa and George are taken to visit the home that Mr Bull is building. They could also find out who their new neighbours are going to be.

  • 00:50 Peppa Pig

    S3 E28 Whistling Peppa tries to learn how to whistle after she realises that seemingly everyone but her can do it.

  • 01:00 The Adventures of Paddington

    S2 E16 Paddington Visits the Doctor; Paddington and the Sleep Over Paddington hurts his knee and goes to see Dr Yasmin. When she steps out, he steps up and is mistaken for a doctor; Can Mr Brown's sleep over live up to Mrs Brown's high standard when Simi and Toq come to stay for the night.

  • 01:30 The Adventures of Paddington

    S2 E26 Paddington's Hatching Surprise; Paddington the Best Bear Paddington helps to hatch an egg, but it takes ages, and when it finally cracks open, he gets a real surprise. Paddington wishes he could have been at Mr and Mrs Brown's wedding after seeing some photos, so they decide to do it all again.

  • 02:00 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E3 Holly's Magic Wand Holly needs her wand to do magic, but one day Holly loses her wand, and is very sad.

  • 02:15 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E20 Morning, Noon and Night The Wise Old Elf teaches the elf children how to tell the time using a watch, while Nanny Plum would much rather use a dandelion clock to teach the fairy children.

  • 02:30 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E37 Big Bad Barry King Thistle wants fish for dinner, so he goes out fishing with Mr Elf, Ben and Holly on Mr Elf's boat. Mr Elf tells them a story about the biggest, worst fish ever, Big Bad Barry.

  • 02:45 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S2 E6 Hard Times The fairy kingdom is left without food because there is nothing left in the treasure chest to pay the elves. As money doesn't grow on trees, King Thistle has to find a job.

  • 03:00 Peppa Pig

    S5 E3 Miss Rabbit's Taxi Miss Rabbit taxi Peppa and the family to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house to drop off their shopping, but that's not the last trip of the day for her.

  • 03:05 Peppa Pig

    S5 E1 Playing Pretend When Peppa's bike gets a flat tyre that needs mending, Daddy Pig suggests they ride imaginary bikes. Peppa and her friends have fun riding their imaginary bikes and jumping in pretend muddy puddles.

  • 03:15 Peppa Pig

    S5 E4 Scooters Daddy Pig takes Peppa and George to school on their scooters. When he decides that it would be quicker to ride back, he discovers that riding scooters is great fun. Mummy Pig thinks that they are fun too and they both ride the scooters.

  • 03:20 Peppa Pig

    S5 E14 Move to Music Madame Gazelle gets Peppa and her playgroup friends to dance to all different styles of music.

  • 03:30 Peppa Pig

    S7 E37 The Owl Peppa and George visit Granny and Grandpa Pig. Grandpa builds a special hiding hut to watch birds in so they can all go owl-spotting.

  • 03:35 Peppa Pig

    S7 E38 The Apple Tree Peppa and her family enjoy the apple tree at the top of the hill. It has a swing on it that they all like to swing on and Peppa has a special song for it.

  • 03:45 Peppa Pig

    S7 The Big Hill When Peppa decides to walk up the big hill during their family hike in the countryside, Daddy Pig assures her that the hard climb will be worth it.

  • 03:50 Peppa Pig

    S7 Hippies Peppa and George visit Granny and Grandpas while Granny hosts a re-enactment of the 1960s with her friends.

  • 04:00 Peppa Pig

    S7 E39 Bug Hotel Peppa and George check out Grandpa's new Bug Hotel.

  • 04:05 Peppa Pig

    S7 E40 Parachute Games The Playgroup play many games using a parachute.

  • 04:15 Peppa Pig

    S7 E41 Flying Discs Mummy and Daddy Pig show Peppa and George how to play flying discs in the park. Soon their friends appear with their parents.

  • 04:20 Peppa Pig

    S7 E42 Kiddie Workout At playgroup, Madame Gazelle has invited Mr Potato to lead Peppa and her friends in a wonderfully fun musical Kiddie Workout.

  • 04:30 The Adventures of Paddington

    Paddington and the Unlikely Hero / Paddington Needs a Hero Paddington seeks the mystery hero doing good deeds, Paddington gets stuck in an igloo.

  • 05:00 The Adventures of Paddington

    S3 Paddington's Favourite Hero; Paddington and the Skateboarder Paddington tries to find out who his favourite hero is, so he sets out with Judy. Paddington really wants to participate in a skating competition, but he can't. Until Mateo gives him a helping hand with a magical mask.

  • 05:30 DORA

    S1 Tres Leches Trouble; Wizzle Wozzle Woo Dora, Boots, and Benny trek through the rainforest to deliver a cake in 'Tres Leches Trouble'. In 'Wizzle Wozzle Woo', Dora and the Fiesta Trio investigate a loud, strange noise.

  • 06:00 Rubble & Crew

    S2 E10 The Crew Builds a Ferris Wheel; The Crew Builds a Farm Animal Yoga Space Rubble and Crew want to give Grocer Gabriel the best beach day ever, including a ride on a brand new Ferris wheel at the boardwalk; when Farmer Zoe's animals need some relaxation, the pups build a perfect place to practise yoga with Coach Karima.

  • 06:30 PAW Patrol

    S10 E9 Pups Stop a Gold Finding Machine; Pups Help Mayor Humdinger Out of a Jam The Paw Patrol springs into action when a digging machine goes out-of-control and takes Uncle Otis on a wild ride. Digi and Tal try to help Mayor Humdinger but leave the Mayor covered in jam, so the Pups must rescue him from hungry animals.

  • 07:00 Bubble Guppies

    S4 E7 Space Guppies! When the evil robot Major Bummer tries to eliminate music from the galaxy, Princess Molly and the Guppies must restore peace, harmony and melody.

  • 07:30 PAW Patrol

    S5 Rocky Saves Himself Rocky must rescue himself when he has been stranded on an island full of rubbish by Mayor Humdinger.

  • 07:45 PAW Patrol

    S5 Pups Save an Out of Control Mini Patrol Alex and his Mini-Patrol accidentally take off on Daring Danny's rocket bike.

  • 08:00 PAW Patrol

    S5 E17 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster Envious Mayor Humdinger tries to draw the Adventure Bay Monster Movie production to Foggy Bottom by commandeering the mechanical movie monster.

  • 08:30 PAW Patrol

    S5 E18 Mission PAW: Pups Save a Royal Concert; Mission PAW: Pups Save the Princess' Pals Luke Stars goes missing before his Royal Concert in Barkingburg, and Sweetie attempts to take over the event; animals overrun Barkingburg Castle while the Princess is away, forcing Ryder and the PAW Patrol to get them under control.

  • 09:00 Rubble & Crew

    S1 E4 The Crew Builds a Playground; The Crew Fixes a Roof After Speed Meister builds an unsafe playground, Rubble and crew get creative and build a whole new one with old materials; the town Chili Cookaroo is threatened when City Hall's roof starts to cave in; luckily, the pups know just how to fix it.

  • 09:30 Peppa Pig

    S7 E8 Police Car Police Officer Panda and Police Officer Squirrel visit Peppa's playgroup. They offer two lucky children the chance to spend the day with them.

  • 09:35 Peppa Pig

    Playgroup Garden Peppa's Playgroup has a garden outside. The children are all having fun growing different plants and playing hide and seek in the wild wood.

  • 09:45 Peppa Pig

    S8 E20 Wildflower Wood Madame Gazelle and Mr Bull lead the children to the wildflower wood to learn all about flowers; the children enjoy identifying the flowers like Wild Garlic, Bluebells and even a rare orchid.

  • 09:50 Peppa Pig

    S8 E8 Walkie Talkies Peppa and George play with walkie-talkies at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house. Grandpa Pig teaches Peppa and George how to use codenames to talk using the gadgets.

  • 10:00 Peppa Pig

    S8 E35 Happily Ever After At the playgroup, Madame Gazelle is reading the children a story, but a page is missing so she makes up an ending. During playtime, the children make up their own alternative endings.

  • 10:05 Peppa Pig

    S5 E2 The Castle Mummy and Daddy Pig take Peppa and George to a castle to feast on medieval banquets, play King and Queen, and even meet a dragon. It is George's favourite day ever.

  • 10:15 Peppa Pig

    S2 E51 The Sleepover When Peppa goes for a sleepover at Zoe Zebra's house with Suzy Sheep, Rebecca Rabbit, Candy Cat and Emily Elephant, the girls are too excited to go to sleep.

  • 10:20 Peppa Pig

    S5 E39 Doctors Tiddles gets stuck in a tree and needs to be rescued. When the turtle falls on Pedro's nose, he needs to go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok.

  • 10:30 PAW Patrol

    S10 E22 Pups Save a Talkative Mini Patrol; Pups Save the History of Adventure Bay Alex dreams that his Mini Patrol animals can talk and they take the Bookmobile on a wild ride; When Mayor Humdinger steals "The History of Adventure Bay" the ancient book falls apart. It's up to the PAW Patrol to retrieve the pages and find the map.

  • 11:00 The Smurfs

    S2 E10 Curing Private Timid; Smurfette Overdoes It! Hefty decides to take Timid under his wing; Smurfette wears herself out by overdoing things, so Lazy teaches her the art of doing nothing.

  • 11:30 Gabby's Dollhouse

    S5 E4 Cupcake Tree Cupcake expert Cakey helps Gabby and Pandy shrink down a giant cupcake tree to rescue CatRat and the Gabby Cats from its overgrown branches.

  • 12:00 DORA

    S2 Rainforest Race / Bok Bok Birthday Dora helps Boots win the Rainforest Race in 'Rainforest Race', then in 'Bok Bok Birthday', Dora invites friends to Big Red Chicken's birthday party.

  • 12:30 Blaze and the Monster Machines

    S7 E22 Wild West Heroes Blaze, AJ, and Starla are on their way to a Wild West Picnic. But when the Lunchbox Bandit steals everyone's lunchboxes, it's up to our Wild West Heroes to get them back.

  • 13:00 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E4 The Elf Farm Holly goes with Ben and Mr Elf to the elf farm to collect an egg for the King's breakfast. While there a huge chicken escapes from the farm and Holly and the elves have to chase it.

  • 13:15 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E23 Ben's Birthday Card Holly forgets Ben's birthday and rushes home to make him a birthday card, but Nanny has stopped all magic, so Holly has to make the card herself.

  • 13:30 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E41 Dinner Party Snooty King and Queen Marigold invite themselves round for dinner to King and Queen Thistle's Castle to sample Nanny Plum's cooking. Nanny tries very hard to cook special modern food.

  • 13:45 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S2 E10 Baby Dragon The children have adopted a new pet, a dragon named Dave. They did not know that he was going to grow and grow though and need to find him a place where he belongs.

  • 14:00 DORA

    S1 Tiny Dancer; The Sleepy Sun Dora shows the twins a baila folklorico dancer who comes to life. The sun won't set because it can't fall asleep.

  • 14:30 The Adventures of Paddington

    S1 E3 Paddington and the Magic Trick; Paddington and Poor Mr. Curry Mr Gruber gives Paddington a box of magic tricks, but Paddington cannot master the tricks until he learns to practice, practice, practice. When Mr Curry becomes ill, Paddington decides to nurse him back to health with his own recipe for onion soup.

  • 15:00 Peppa Pig

    S8 E35 Happily Ever After At the playgroup, Madame Gazelle is reading the children a story, but a page is missing so she makes up an ending. During playtime, the children make up their own alternative endings.

  • 15:05 Peppa Pig

    S2 E22 Daddy Pig's Office Peppa and George visit Daddy Pig's office and meet his colleagues. Mr Rabbit works with numbers, while Mrs Cat seems to spend her time drawing shapes on a computer.

  • 15:15 Peppa Pig

    S2 E6 George's Friend Rebecca Rabbit has a little brother called Richard who is the same age as George. George and Richard each have a toy dinosaur, but the boys are not very good at sharing their toys.

  • 15:20 Peppa Pig

    S3 E50 The Biggest Muddy Puddle in the World Peppa and George wake up one morning to find that all the rain has made a flood, and their house is now a desert island.

  • 15:30 Peppa Pig

    S3 E31 Grandpa Pig's Computer Mummy Pig gives her old computer to Granny and Grandpa Pig. They use it for lots of important work, as well as Happy Mrs Chicken, but when it breaks they are not sure who will fix it.

  • 15:35 Peppa Pig

    S3 E8 Richard Rabbit Comes to Play Richard Rabbit comes to play with George, while Suzy Sheep plays with Peppa. The boys don't want to play the same games as the girls, but they all agree that they like jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

  • 15:45 Peppa Pig

    S1 E10 Gardening Peppa and George enjoy helping Grandpa Pig plant seeds in his garden.

  • 15:50 Peppa Pig

    S1 E20 The School FĂȘte Peppa loves the school fĂȘte. Her favourite things are face painting, the balloons and the bouncy castle.

  • 16:00 PAW Patrol

    S10 E17 Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen; Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccups The Mighty Pups must stop Sweetie from using her new powers to take over Adventure Bay.

  • 16:30 PAW Patrol

    S9 E25 Pups Save the Baby Space Rocks; Pups Save the Eddies and Emmys When a mysterious storm drops hailstones that hatch into Baby Space Rocks, the Pups must find a way to keep them safe; a 3-D printer leads to trouble when Eddie and Emmy make 3-D reproductions of themselves and play pranks.

  • 17:00 Gabby's Dollhouse

    S1 E3 Hamster Kitties A fuzzy delivery contains a cuddly surprise for Baby Box; Gabby and Pandy attempt to keep up with crafty critters in the dollhouse.

  • 17:30 Peppa Pig

    S8 E35 Happily Ever After At the playgroup, Madame Gazelle is reading the children a story, but a page is missing so she makes up an ending. During playtime, the children make up their own alternative endings.

  • 17:35 Peppa Pig

    S6 E18 Petting Farm Peppa and her friends visit Mrs Badger's petting farm, where they enjoy feeding the chickens and meeting cute guinea pigs.

  • 17:45 Peppa Pig

    A Day with Doctor Hamster Peppa Pig and Suzy Sheep are spending the day with Doctor Hamster, and they are learning about what vets do. Doctor Hamster says she's glad to have two helpers with her and calls the next patient.

  • 17:50 Peppa Pig

    S7 E29 Clubhouse Mr Bull builds a brand-new club house and slide for Peppa and her friends.

  • 18:00 Milo

    S2 E8 Milo the Hotel Worker When Milo, Lofty and Lark become hotel workers for the day. They mistake Eleanor and Mycroft for hotel inspectors, giving them VIP treatment, which doesn't go down well with the other guests.

  • 18:15 Peppa Pig

    S7 E10 Rescuing Miss Rabbit! Miss Rabbit's Rescue Service has saved many people from tricky situations, but what happens when Miss Rabbit needs rescuing herself.

  • 18:20 Peppa Pig

    S5 E49 Long Train Journey Daddy Pig receives a letter saying he must go away on business to test some very important concrete. Peppa, Mummy and George all decide to go with Daddy and enjoy a train journey, where they sing to pass the time.

  • 18:30 The Creature Cases

    S1 E8 The Case of the Blue Bandit; The Honey Badger Break-In The pals search for the culprit who nabbed a crab's spiral shell home; Sweetie the honey badger sneaks into Sam and Kit's bee-infested aircraft.

  • 19:00 The Smurfs

    S1 E7 Bringing Up Smurfy; The Makeover When Dimwitty finds an egg in the woods, he and the other Smurfs put their parenting skills to the test; Vanity wants to design a new outfit for the Smurfs, but he and Tailor have different visions.

  • 19:30 DORA

    S1 Big Red Chicken Wake Up!; The Mystery Gift Dora and Boots must wake up the Big Red Chicken before he goes down the waterfall; Dora and Boots try to find out what is inside the mystery gift.

  • 20:00 Peppa Pig

    S8 E35 Happily Ever After At the playgroup, Madame Gazelle is reading the children a story, but a page is missing so she makes up an ending. During playtime, the children make up their own alternative endings.

  • 20:05 Peppa Pig

    S8 E23 Jumping Stick Daddy Pig receives a jumping stick in the mail and demonstrates to Peppa and George how to use it. Peppa and her friends struggle with using it first.

  • 20:15 Peppa Pig

    S4 E48 The Fish Pond Daddy Pig is looking forward to taking Peppa and George to visit a fish pond that he used to visit when he was a piglet. However, a few things have changed since then.

  • 20:20 Peppa Pig

    S5 E7 Parachute Jump When the school roof is broken and needs fixing, Peppa volunteers Mummy Pig to do a parachute jump to raise money. Daddy Pig goes up too, and has to overcome his fear of heights.

  • 20:30 PAW Patrol

    S10 E8 Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Golden Sweetie; Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Giant Ants The Pups rescue Sweetie when she sneaks into the Hidden Jungle and finds a mysterious orb which causes everything she touches to turn to gold; the Pups must save a colony of giant ants from destroying the Hidden Jungle and themselves.

  • 21:00 Rubble & Crew

    S1 E3 The Crew Builds an Ice Cream Shop; The Crew Fixes a Squeak When a windy day derails construction on an ice cream shop, Rubble and Crew are on the chase; there's a mysterious squeak in City Hall, so Mayor Greatway asks Rubble and Charger to find and fix the squeak before her big speech.

  • 21:30 Blaze and the Monster Machines

    S7 E28 School Bus Blaze! It's time for school in Axle City, but, when the students need help getting to school, it's up to Blaze to save the day.

  • 22:00 Gabby's Dollhouse

    S2 E7 The Meow-Mazing Games Gabby, Pandy, Carlita, and the DooDads compete for a big beautiful Meow-Mazing Games trophy.

  • 22:30 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E29 The Elf Band Snobby King and Queen Marigold are coming to visit the Little Kingdom, and Holly and her Mummy and Daddy enlist the Elf Band to impress them.

  • 22:45 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

    S1 E47 Acorn Day A gang of squirrels appear at the Great Elf Tree. They are determined to store their acorns inside, but the Wise Old Elf has a cunning plan to stop them.

  • 23:00 Pip and Posy

    S2 E16 Ducky Ducky Quack Quack A duckling begins to follow Pip around, making him feel uncomfortable.

  • 23:15 Pip and Posy

    S2 E17 Same-Zies Zac wants to make friends with Mo, but he just doesn't know how to go about it. Pip and Posy work together to help Zac work out how to make friends without always being 'same-zies'.

  • 23:30 DORA

    Adventures In Plantsitting; Andrea the Alebrije Dora babysits Baby Flowers to help Isa. Dora helps Andrea the Alebrije find her magical leaf.

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